[NYC] ABC Kitchen - Jean-Georges Restaurant - Autumn Dinner 2018

Me casually trying to eat this massive piece of fried chicken.

Me casually trying to eat this massive piece of fried chicken.

Categories: New American
Date Visited: October 2018
Address: 35 E 18th St, New York, NY 10003
Price:  $$$ 
Reservations: Yes

Verdict: Yes! Been looking for something like this in NYC for a while now. Surprised a place like this has taken so long to pop up in NYC (given how its popularity on the West Coast, ie. Boiling Point Restaurant Chain). Newly opened and designed for the modern diner, Hot Box offers customized personal pots (everyone gets his/her own). Currently, Hot Box offers 6 basic base pots to pick from, and an extensive list of additional ingredients to personalize your hot from. Each base broth is equally packed with intensity and flavor.

Must Order: Kabocha Squash Toast

Cozy interior of ABC Kitchen

Cozy interior of ABC Kitchen

ROASTED KABOCHA SQUASH TOAST, FRENCH RICOTTA CHEESE, APPLE CIDER VINEGAR ($15)This was a seasonal special and was my FAVORITE dish of the night! Savory and sweet, this was the perfect embodiment of Autumn. A must order!


This was a seasonal special and was my FAVORITE dish of the night! Savory and sweet, this was the perfect embodiment of Autumn. A must order!